The Krynica-Żegietów health resort, apart from the Kryniczanka brand, has in its portfolio the Jan, Słotwinka and Zuber brands of curative water supported by Kryniczanka. Due to their curative image, they were primarily chosen by the older target group.
Scope of service: Brand Creation.
Agency’s task
We were entrusted with rebranding, which, on the one hand, involved rejuvenation of the brands, and on the other, emphasizing the functionality of the product. The consequence of rebranding was, of course, a change of packaging.
What we did
- We designed a new logo for each product.
- We modified the architecture of the Kryniczanka brand by introducing a new sub-brand called Kryniczanka Zdrowie.
- We proposed a new categorization of water, assigning each water type one, the most important benefit.
- We designed labels and boxes for each brand.
We have created new packaging with a modern look, however, drawing on the canons of the classics, and above all embedded in the category. Our goal was not only to gain new customers, but also to retain loyal users.